Ghost mannequin services
Maintain your budget while selling more apparel.
Make your clothing stand out. Instead of struggling to do it yourself, outsource ghost mannequin edits.

Mannequin removal is easier said than done.
When your customers can see themselves wearing your products, it’s simple to convert them from browsers to buyers. Mannequins are also an excellent substitute for live models when funds and timeframes are limited.
Until you come to the time-consuming editing. To edit out a mannequin, you must combine several photographs, add depth, boost volume, and add just enough texture to produce a believable product image. All of that emphasis consumes much too much time that should be spent on your true passion: your business.
Leave it to
the experts
Make that sweater look properly fitted instead of ugly by combining your mannequin image with our expert edits. Each ghost mannequin project is skillfully edited by hand to bring your apparel and accessories to life.
Thank you. You do amazing work. Very happy with your company and have been referring you as I think you offer a wonderful service.

Tina - Australia

What precisely is a ghost mannequin?
Apparel photography that lacks dimension makes your products appear flat, and shoppers want to see how the product is supposed to be worn in real life. However, organizing live models may be costly, and mannequins in images might distract from your merchandise.
Smart fashion retailers keep it simple: they showcase things on mannequins and then remove the mannequin from their images.
We can adjust the clothes on ghost mannequins that aren’t modified at the neck joint, such as pants, watches, and hats, to create natural volume and texture.
- To begin, you'll need two images: one of the outfit with the mannequin and one without (to show the inner label).
- We used a clipping path to join the two photos at the neck.
- We can adjust the clothes on ghost mannequins that aren't modified at the neck joint, such as pants, watches, and hats, to create natural volume and texture.
- To enhance the apparel or accessories, we mix the ghost mannequin with other services such as color correction or shadow effect.
- That's all! You'll have clothing that appears to be worn by an invisible form.
Why do ecommerce entrepreneurs and photographers like Path ghost mannequin photo editing services?
Spending hours in Photoshop stitching together photographs to make invisible mannequins is a waste of your talent and creative energy.
Every ghost mannequin creation is edited by hand. We’re not done until every piece of clothing and accessory appears natural, and the colors and textures are just right.
Why do photographers and ecommerce businesses outsource their picture retouching assignments to Path?
Your talent and creative energy are better spent doing what you enjoy rather than spending all day in Photoshop hiding every flaw.
customers have trusted us with their image edits.
images are edited each day.
Our Work Process

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Upload your Images and then
let us do the rest
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